August Duodecathon TBR

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I almost forgot to post this! Usually, I post my TBRs a couple days before a ReadAthon starts but this one starts tomorrow!

So if you don’t know the duodecathon is a monthly ReadAThon. There are challenges for this ReadAThon but the cool thing about this one is you have the option to pick from 12 challenges. So there are 12 challenges for the 12 months of the year and the idea is that you participate each month so that by the end of the year you have completed all the challenges!


Read 1,200 pages
Start OR finish a series
A 2017 debut author
A short story
A Graphic Novel
A Non-Fiction book
A Book that has been on your TBR for 2+ years
A book with multiple authors
A book you picked up because of the cover
A book that has to do with travelling
Someone else’s favourite book
The first book on your shelf you haven’t read

The ones in bold above have already been completed

As I only started last month I am doing 2 or more challenges per month to get them all done by the end of the year. So, for this month, I’m choosing A book with multiple authors & A Graphic Novel.

The Duodecathon overlaps with the beginning of #TheReadingQuest so some of these books will count for the quest as well as the duodecathon. You can find my TBR for #TheReadingQuest HERE! Also for the first 3 days of the ReadAThon, I will be away from home, I will indicate which books below I will be taking with me.

Blog Titles (63)


This will complete the challenge to read a graphic novel. I will be taking this book with me when I’m away.

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This will complete the challenge to read a book with multiple authors.


This is volume 3 of The Wicked + The Divine series and I plan to read this during the ReadAThon as well. This doesn’t really count for a challenge as reading volume 2 of the series will cover the graphic novel challenge. I will be taking this book with me when I’m away.


Salt to the Sea I will be reading via audiobook. This book doesn’t count for a specific challenge for the Duodecathon but it counts for a #TheReadingQuest challenge which overlaps with the Duodecathon.

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This book also doesn’t count for a Duodecathon challenge. It is, however, the BOTM for the Facebook group YA Book Club and Book Talk.

If I finish the other books with time to spare then I will start either This Savage Song or Graceling. This Savage Song is the BOTM for the YA Book Bloggers group on Goodreads and also both books complete challenges in #TheReadingQuest!

And that is all for my TBR of the Duodecathon!

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9 thoughts on “August Duodecathon TBR

  1. I need to read Because You Love to hate me too and salt to the sea. I’ve read Graceling a very long time ago but I liked it when I was 14. Not everyone likes it though.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I can’t wait for all of them! I have heard good things about the Salt to the Sea Audiobook! Hopefully I enjoy it. 😊
      And I have had Graceling on my TBR for a while now! Can’t wait to finally get around to it.


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