Help me guys! I don’t know what to read next!!!

This is my TBR shelves! Comment recommendations of what I should read next! 

Btw I’m in a fantasy mood! 

Also the book next to An Ember in the Ashes is The Darkest Minds! I couldn’t get my flash not to shine in either it or An Ember in the Ashes so I gave up. πŸ˜‚

This post will be taken down tomorrow as I hope to be reading something new by tonight. Hopefully in the next hour or so! 

12 thoughts on “Help me guys! I don’t know what to read next!!!

    1. Thanks! I’m participating in Beat the Backlist challenge though, and as it wouldn’t count. But I was considering putting it on my April TBR at the start of the month but didn’t. Don’t know if I should stick to my challenge or just say screw it and read it anyway. πŸ˜‚


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