Sunshine Blogger Award #3 – Also I want your opinions!

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So yes, this is my 3rd time doing this award! But I love nominating new people who I have recently discovered who I think deserve this!

I need your opinion!

Okay, so this bit has nothing to do with the award. My bad.

So I have been participating in Friday 5@5 for a couple weeks now and really enjoy it. But lately the creator has been getting a little slack and not posting. As she usually posts the next weeks prompt in her weekly Friday 5@5, but hasn’t posted it, I have no prompt to go by. So it’s starting to irritate me a little bit, so I’m going to stop doing that weekly meme.

Here is where I need your opinion, I have been thinking about starting to do discussions posts. I haven’t really done any before on this blog. So I don’t know if people will interact with them or not. The discussion topics will mostly be book related and I will post them on Fridays seen as I no longer have a meme going on on that day. So I just want to know what you think about that? Would you like to read discussion posts by me and interact with them? Just let me know in the comments!! ๐Ÿ˜Š

Onto the award!

I was nominated by Mandy @ Book Princess Reviews for this award! Click HERE to see her post! Thank you heaps for the nomination!

This award has a different logo than the first one I did, so I don’t know if the logo below on the left was created by someone that did the award and people have just kept it going from there or not, but I am just going to leave the old logo in my sidebar.

The Image on the right belongs to me!


  • Thank the person who nominated you in a blog post and link back to their blog.
  • Answer the 11 questions sent by the person who nominated you.
  • Nominate 11 new blogs to receive the award and write them 11 new questions.
  • List the rules and display the Sunshine Blogger Award logo in your post and/or on your blog.

Mandy’s Questions

1. If you had to sort your own personalย library, how would you do it โ€“ color, author, another way?

Well I currently sort my shelves into a couple different ways, my Read and TBR are separate. My TBR is sorted by colour and my Read are separated into genre. I don’t actually own a TONNE of books, so it’s easy to do that. If I had more books I would like to sort them all by colour, but still keep my TBR separate.ย I like keeping my TBR in one place, so I can see what I need to read. My read books I would still kind of keep the genres different. Like Fantasy, Sci-Fi, dystopian, retellings, etc would be in one place and Contemporary, Historical Fiction, etc in another. I don’t know why but I like keeping them seperate!

2. How important is a cover on a book for you?

It is fairly important. It’s the first thing you see and that is what is going to catch my eye in a book shop or on BD or Goodreads. It’s the first thing I see, I never buy a book strictly on book cover. But if there is a beautiful book cover that stands out to me, I’m going to have a look at that book synopsis and see if it is actually something I will like more than I’m going to pick up the book with the ugly or cheap looking cover and sus it out. That’s just how it works.

3.What made you choose blogging โ€“ not Youtube or etc. but blogging?

Well the main reason is just expressing my views on books. I don’t have anyone in my life that is as bookish as me, so I don’t really have anyone to talk to about books. I can talk to my mum, who listens but half the time has no idea what I’m talking about. Steph and Rena I can kind of talk to as they have read some of the more well known books series over the years. Ryan listens to me and asks questions but doesn’t actually read books himself. So this was my outlet for all my views and opinions on books.

4. What Princess (or Disney character) can you relate the most with? IF you donโ€™t watch much Disney, what fictional character period can you?

Honestly I have never thought I’ve related to any of the Disney Princess or characters really. When I read I have never thought ‘hey that person is relatable to me’. ย I don’t know why butย that’s just not how I think when reading. There is the odd character who has a similar personality to me, like Rose Hathaway (towards the end of the series) who is fiery, but also calculated and will do anything to help the people she loves. I feel like that’s similar to who I am. But I still don’t see her as ‘relatable’ that’s just not how I think. So I quite simply don’t actually have an answer to this question.

5. If you could only have one song as mood music to reading, what you choose?

None, I CANNOT STAND noise when reading. It drives me insane and distracts me so much. That is my I mostly read in my room which is nearly sound proof and the only thing I can occasionally hear is Duke, the Rottie next door barking if someone comes too close to his house.

6. If you had to have your favorite meal โ€“ sans arugula of course โ€“ what would it be?

Home made Spaghetti and meatballs, made only by my mum or myself.

7. Do you have a favorite time of year? If so, when is it and why?

Any time that is cold. Which isn’t often and is getting less and less each year. Which is absolute shit. I live in outback Australia and it’s hot majority of the time. Which I can stand and it doesn’t really worry me because I’ve grown up with it and am used to it. But the main thing I love is the cold and being able to wear Hoodies, Jeans, Trackies! ย I could wear Jeans 24/7 in the cold, even to bed, which I have done many times!ย That is bliss to me.

8. What was your last binge watch/read?

I honestly don’t really binge on anything. If I am the only one home I either have OITNB (rewatching) playing on Netflix on my TV or the Harry Potter Audiobooks playing. But that is just for background noise mainly as I’m always doing 52 other things.

9. What was your favorite story (folktale or fairytale maybe?) as a kid?

I didn’t read as a kid and I wasn’t into fairy tales or anything much. I was more into movies, so my favourite movie to watch was Spirit.

10. Do you discuss books with anyone in real life?

Answered that in the 3rd question.

11. If you could meet your favorite author, who would it be and what one question would you ask them?

Well my favourite author is J.K. Rowling and I would love to meet her! I mean, who wouldn’t! And I have no idea what I would ask her. I have millions of questions that I could ask, however I would ask

Does Mad-Eye Moody see the real form of a boggart with his magical eye and what is the boggarts real form?

I nominate:

I will try to not nominate the same people I did on my last two of these posts!

TeacherofYA / Lauren’s Page Turnersย /ย Geybie’s Book Blogย / Cozy Room Readingsย / Olga’s Oddish Obsessionย /ย Kdrewkthebookwormย /ย Whimsy Pagesย / Big City Book Wormย / The Book Ravenย / Sue’s Reading Cornerย / Reading With Rendz

My Questions:

1. What fictional character would you choose to spend the day with in their world?

2. Pick one book that you would choose to completely forget? Whether it be to read it again for the first time or because you disliked it.

3. What food would you like to try from a fictional world? e.g. Bertie Botts Every Flavour Beans

4. What colour book spines do you have the most of?

5. What is your favourite book cover out of the books you own? Make sure you say which edition it is or add a photo as most books have multiple covers

6. What’s one item/device you wish you could own from any fictional world?

7. Pretty sure I’ve used this question before, but what power/ability do you wish you could have?

8. What is your favourite genre to read, even if you don’t read it the most?

9. Do you listen to audiobooks? Or want to?

10. Where is your favourite place to read?

11. Are your book shelves full or have you still got room for more?

Well that is all for this award! Do not feel like you have to do this award if you were nominated, but if you do I hope you enjoy answering them!

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19 thoughts on “Sunshine Blogger Award #3 – Also I want your opinions!

  1. Your answers were so much fun to read! ๐Ÿ˜€ I’m the absolute same way with reading and music. It has to be super quiet or something with zero lyrics that I could get distracted with. But even then, I still don’t do it often or at all. And I loved your organization. I never thought about having my TBR and the other books I’ve read before in two separate sections and ways, but I totally might have to steal your organization method because it definitely sounds very cool. Loved your answers, and I think discussion posts would definitely be very interesting to read. I personally would probably get into them (although it might depend if WordPress is mean to me that day XD). Great post! ๐Ÿ™‚


    1. I can’t have any music. Drives me wild!

      And your welcome to steal that. ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

      And thanks! Don’t Know what I’m going to discuss yet. But I have a week to think about it. ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š


  2. I don’t do any weekly memes anymore so I’ve also been thinking about doing more discussion posts! I would love to read yours, so I say go for it and if you think it doesn’t work out just stop when you feel like it ๐Ÿ˜Š

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Definitely do discussion posts. People love those! There are other Friday memes out there but make Friday your own thing! I bet it will be the most popular day of the week for your blog! ๐Ÿ˜˜โค๏ธ
    Thanks for thinking of me!


    1. I’ve previously don’t Friday Face-Off, they put their prompts up the day of the post and because I’m in Australia. The day was over by the time they went up.
      Friday finds kind of got boring and now this one..
      So I’m keen to do something else on a Friday. At least the memes I do on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday never have issues. ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š
      Thanks for your opinion. ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿป
      Now to figure out my first topic. ๐Ÿ˜ซ๐Ÿ˜Š


  4. Thank you so much for the nomination! This will be my 12th Sunshine Blogger Award (๐Ÿ˜‚) but nevertheless I will get to it ASAP. I just wrote my 11th one yesterday, and it seems like whenever I write one, I just get nominated again.๐Ÿ˜‚
    I loved reading your answers, and I’d definitely read your discussion posts!๐Ÿ‘


  5. Thanks for the nomination! You had such amazing answers! My shelves are a mess. Apparently I don’t know what organization means XD The covers are super important in terms of buying them. Otherwise I can just borrow them from the library hehehe.. I also cannot listen to music while I read. It is so distracting. I don’t know how people do it!! Discussion posts would be awesome! There is so much to talk about when it comes to books!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You’re welcome!
      Haha! Without organisation it would drive me wild! Yes I’m that person. ๐Ÿ˜‚
      I don’t know how people listen to music while reading either. Even if I’m reading something a bit long on Facebook or somewhere I have to pause my music so I can concentrate otherwise I read the same sentence 3 times and still don’t take a word of it in!
      And thanks for your opinion! ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š

      Liked by 1 person

  6. It’s disappointing to know there isn’t anyone you can talk to about book fever but if you did, you wouldn’t have created this blog and you are one of the best additions to this community! Loved reading answers and seeing your questions! Can’t wait to respond to them and thanks so very much for the nomination!๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’Ž


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